January 12, 2024

1/16/2024 Village Board Meeting

Resolution regarding the submittal of a grant application for the weed harvester and recognizing Village Attorney, Mark Blum, 2024 capital financing plan, Well 4 HMO treatment project, baseball improvements at Kiwanis Village Park, business recognition program, and monthly checks. Closed session regarding Village Administrator and Jade Reef Properties, LLC

January 16, 2024

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence.

Roll Call was taken with the following Village Board members present: Trustee Heather Gergen; Trustee Bob Rohde; Trustee Kelli Belt; Trustee Chris Krasovich; Trustee Craig Roberts; Trustee Jim Grabowski, and President Jeff Knutson.

Also Present: Village Attorney, Mark Blum; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; Director of Public Works, Dave Buechl, Director of Parks and Recreation, Nick Phalin and Village Clerk, Cassie Smith.

2. Public Hearings/Presentations – None.

3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a. Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting – December 19, 2023
Trustee Roberts moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to approve the December 19, 2023, minutes of the Regular Village Board meeting as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

4. Citizen Comments

Bryce Kingsbury @ 1466 Capitol Drive – Mr. Kingsbury who represents First Watch at 1466 Capitol Drive expressed his desire for the Village Board to reconsider obtaining a “Class B” reserve transfer license.

5. Ordinances – None.

6. Resolutions

a. Possible Action on Resolution No. 2024-01, A Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Wisconsin DNR Recreational Boating Facilities Weed Harvester Refurbishment Grant Application
Administrator Gosse stated that the grant request was presented to the Village Board at a past meeting to offset costs up to 50%.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to approve Resolution No. 2024-01, authorizing the submittal of a Wisconsin DNR recreational boating facilities weed harvester refurbishment grant application as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

b. Possible Action on Resolution No. 2024-02, A Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Wisconsin DNR Recreational Boating Facilities Weed Harvester Grant Application
Administrator Gosse stated that this grant application is to purchase a new harvester and item 6a was to refurbish a harvester.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to approve Resolution No. 2024-02, authorizing the submittal of a Wisconsin DNR recreational boating facilities weed harvester grant application as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

c. Possible Action on Resolution No. 2024-03, A Resolution Recognizing Village Attorney Mark Blum’s Years of Service to the Village of Pewaukee
Administrator Gosse read Resolution 2024-03. Attorney Blum thanked the Village Board and staff.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve Resolution 2024-03 recognizing the Village Attorney Mark Blum’s Years of Service to the Village of Pewaukee as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

7. Old Business – None.

8. New Business

a. Discussion and Direction Regarding 2024 Capital Financing Plan
Representative of Baird, Brad Viegut presented the finance plan for 2024 capital improvements as well as a refinancing option for the existing State Trust Fund Loan which was obtained in September 2023 for roads and utility projects. If favored a resolution will come before the Village Board in February with final numbers in March. The current estimated interest rate is about 4.02%. The financing plan has been set up to have a smooth amortization schedule considering future needs as well.
The consensus of the Village Board was to move forward with the financing plan as presented.

b. Discussion and Possible Action Professional Services Agreement Amendment with Ruekert-Mielke for Well No. 4 HMO Treatment Project
Administrator Gosse presented an amendment to the professional services agreement amendment for work related to obtaining approval from the PSC for the project which was not anticipated in the original agreement. This increases the existing contract by an estimated $4,400.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to approve the Professional Services Agreement Amendment with Ruekert-Mielke for Well No. 4 HMO treatment project as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

c. Discussion and Possible Action on Well #4 HMO Treatment Project Construction Services Agreement with Ruekert-Mielke
Director Buechl stated the Village is required to lower the radium removal and the Village already contracted with R&M to facilitate that process for the design and engineering of the HMO facility. The Wisconsin DNR requires that a Resident Engineer monitor and inspect the construction to ensure the project is in substantial conformance with the plans. This update would create additional hours for Ruekert-Mielke at an estimated 2,030 hours and $329,400.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Gergen to approve the Well #4 HMO Treatment Project Construction Services Agreement with Ruekert-Mielke for an additional $329,400 as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

d. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding $30,000 Donation from Pewaukee Youth Baseball for Baseball Related Improvements at Kiwanis Village Park
Items 8d and 8e were presented together.

Director Phalin gave an overview of Kiwanis Village Park and explained that the Pewaukee Youth Baseball group would like to donate $30,000 for baseball-related improvements such as scoreboards and a new infield fence. The existing scoreboards are not in working condition.
The Pewaukee Youth Baseball group proposed a match from the Village where Laimon Park funds are proposed to be used.
Trustee Roberts asked about the fencing estimates, and Phalin explained that the infield fence is in worse condition so that is the fence replacement proposed at this time. Discussion continued regarding the use of Laimon Park fund balance and the vision for the Kiwanis Village Park.
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to accept a donation of $30,000 from Pewaukee Youth Baseball for baseball related improvements as presented for Kiwanis Village Park.
Motion carried 7-0.

e. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Use of Laimon Park Fund Balance for Facility Improvements at Kiwanis Village Park
Item discussed with 8d.
Director Phalin stated that he is hoping the project can be completed before the start of summer. Formal bids for the two projects will be needed as they both exceed the bidding threshold with bids being brought back to the Village Board for approval at a future date.
Trustee Roberts moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to approve the use of Laimon Park funds as presented for facility improvements.
Motion carried 7-0.

f. Discussion and Direction Regarding Possible Business Recognition Program
Trustee Krasovich stated she is grateful to all Village businesses and many businesses in the community embrace the opportunity to improve the community through fundraisers and donations. The Village Board discussed the purpose. The consensus was to direct staff to look into how other communities facilitate a recognition process with a concept to come back at a future meeting.

g. Village Board Meeting Monthly Approval of Checks and Invoices for All Funds – December 2023
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve the December 2023 checks and invoices for all funds, except the library, as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to acknowledge the December 2023 check and invoices regarding the Library.
Motion carried 7-0.

9. Citizen Comments – None.

10. Closed SessionThe Village Board of the Village of Pewaukee will enter into closed session pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically regarding Village Administrator; and pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically regarding Jade Reef Properties, LLC Developers Agreement.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to move into Closed Session at approximately 7:29 p.m.
Motion carried 7-0.

Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to move into Open Session at approximately 8:56 p.m.
Motion carried 7-0.

11. Reconvene Into Open Session.

a. Possible Action on Village Administrator Employment Agreement
Trustee Roberts moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to approve the Village Administrator Employment Agreement as presented.
Motion carried, 7-0.

b. Possible Action on the Jade Reef Properties, LLC Developers Agreement
No action was taken.

12. Adjournment
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to adjourn the January 16, 2024, Regular Village Board meeting at approximately 8:57 p.m.
Motion carried, 7-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Casandra Smith Village Clerk

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