Comprehensive development planning has many benefits. A formal planning process provides a community with an opportunity to focus on the future and establish community goals, objectives, and policies regarding future use, physical development and conservation of land. With clear goals, local government officials often make decisions that are in the best interest of citizens or the future of the community. Finally, comprehensive planning allows for continuity throughout a community by determining where a community is at the present, how the community got to this point, where the community wants to go, and how will it get there.

In 2022 the Plan Commission and Village Board approved the latest Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  Below please see the planning benefits.

Coordinated comprehensive planning among municipalities provides several benefits, including:

  1. All units of government benefit from the updated demographic and growth information and how it relates to economic forecasting and development trends.
  2. It is cost-effective to coordinate. Coordinated planning reduces the need for each municipality to complete all of the elements of a  comprehensive land use plan.
  3. Participating entities all have active roles in the planning process.
  4. A coordinated planning process offers a greater opportunity for public input.
  5. A coordinated planning process makes efficient use of professional planning resources currently available.
  6. Coordinated planning allows for the creation of a plan amendment process that considers all possible impacts, including effect on adjoining municipalities.
  7. Comprehensive planning provides an opportunity to evaluate all aspects of future use and development thus providing local officials with the essential information to make informed decisions.
  8. A coordinated effort provides an opportunity to continue building inter-municipal cooperation on land use issues.


Click the link to view the completed 2022 Comprehensive Land Use Plan.