April 14, 2023

4/20/2023 Strategic Planning Session

Goals, Strategies, and Objectives Described in the Village’s Strategic Plan

April 20, 2023 – 6:00PM

Village Board members present: Trustee Heather Gergen, Trustee Bob Rohde, Trustee Kelli Belt, Trustee Grabowski; Trustee Chris Krasovich; Trustee Craig Roberts; and President, Jeff Knutson.

Also Present: Administrator Scott Gosse and Village Clerk, Cassie Smith.

1. Review and Direction on Goals, Strategies and Objectives Described in the Draft Strategic Plan

Strategy #1 – Develop a formal redevelopment and land use plan for the Village, considering the fiscal impact and cost of service for varying land uses.

Objective #1- Identify the types of development and/or redevelopment desired within the Village and prioritize locations for this development. It was determined by the Village Board that this objective is complete.

Objective #2-Develop an updated land use plan for the Village. Trustee Roberts updated the Board stating that the density regarding mixed use is being addressed at the Plan Commission to take a proactive approach regarding the downtown area. Planner Censky has been researching what other communities have done.

Objective #3-Determine appropriate mechanisms and action steps for incentivizing desired development in priority areas based on cost-benefit analysis. Trustee Roberts stated that in November Administrator Gosse, Trustee Belt, and Trustee Roberts met with Waukesha County Center for Growth to look at programs that would be advantageous for the Village. Waukesha County Center for Growth suggested an open house and Trustee Roberts stated the Village will hold an open house in the future once areas are identified areas according to the Land Use Plan. Discussion regarding Waukesha County Center for Growth and making a more friendly Land Use document was had. It was determined Trustee Gergen will create a summary of the Land Use document to give prospective developers a better vision of what we are looking for in certain areas. Discussion continued regarding developments and the Capstone project.

Objective #4-Invest in improvements and enhancements to Village Parks. Trustee Rohde gave an update on what improvements have been completed, and what future improvements are coming for all Village Parks.

Strategy #2 – Develop a plan for updating facilities, improving technology, and making capital improvements over the next ten years and ensure sustainability of the Village’s growth and resources moving forward.

Objective #1-Complete assessment of current and future maintenance, infrastructure, and technology needs. Administrator Gosse stated that the Village staff are always looking at what can be updated. The facilities maintenance review project is now completed, which will be part of the 2024 budget preparations.

Objective #2-Develop a plan for document management and the scanning and digitizing of records. Clerk Smith explained that due to a lack of funds the Village staff have started compiling a plan to move to digital records without the use of a digital record software. As able staff will digitize documents that are retained forever.

Objective #3-Create a 10-year plan that includes all Village departments and is updated annually. This is a living document that will determine what is needed for debt issuances. Gosse is in conversation with Baird regarding debt. It was confirmed that personnel needs are a component of this document.

Objective #4-Create a toolkit to respond to potential challenges and threats that could be the result of budget, litigation, environmental, economic or other emergency situations. Administrator Gosse will contact our new security provider to create a plan to present. The Village has an emergency management plan and is included in the emergency/disaster document prepared by Waukesha County.

Objective #5- Develop how the Village can pay for additional services.
Most of the suggestions have been implemented or the process of implementation has started. Grants will continue to be looked at as they become available. Administrator Gosse reported that the Village was awarded the grant for 50% of the cost of the weed cutter. The new Fire and Rescue fee structure has been added to the worksheet as another avenue for additional services.

Strategy #3 – Improve planning and collaboration with the surrounding communities, Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, Waukesha County, Pewaukee School District, and other civic/business organizations.

Objective #1-Plan for future contracts for shared services. It was noted the Village and City are currently in the negotiation phase for the Fire/EMS and Library contracts.

Objective #2-Identify collaborations for shared equipment, consolidation of services, and purchasing.
It was determined that the workgroup has completed its work regarding a short-term weed harvesting policy, but a long-term goal is needed. Trustee Grabowski who has been newly elected to the Lake Advisory Committee was tasked with working with all three communities to create an all-encompassing plan for the lake. Trustee Belt asked that the immediate concerns regarding the accountability and supervision of staff on the lake be addressed.

Objective #3-Identify partnerships around future planning needs related to infrastructure and development.
New partnerships were not addressed.

Strategy #4 – Improve communications and operational transparency with Village residents and business through the development and implantation of a communications platform that leverages technology.

Objective #1 Develop and implement an improved communication plan that focuses on website improvements and prioritizes new methods of disseminating information. Trustee Roberts explained that in 2019 when the Strategic Plan was created the survey showed that transparency/communication was a concern. During this time the property where St. Mary’s church resided was a big issue for the residents. He believes that a new survey may give more insight into what the Village residents want regarding information. Trustees Krasovich and Gergen were tasked to work as a team to work on ideas for communication with the residents.

Objective #2-Create a financial dashboard. Trustees Roberts and Belt will work with Treasurer Haack to start the process of creating documents that can be presented to the Village Board so that the Board can know where the Village stands. The financial dashboard and what it should encompass were discussed. Discussion regarding staffing time, details, and narratives was discussed.

Objective #3-Make permanent recordings of Village meetings including a live webcast.
The live webcast was implemented in March 2023. This item is marked as completed.

Strategy #5 – Promote activities and organizations that foster stronger neighborhoods and a healthier community.
Trustee Rohde stated that the new survey should include Strategy 5 to see how the Village should proceed on objectives 1-3.

Objective #1- Work with neighborhood residents to actively promote the creation of neighborhood associations in both new subdivisions and older neighborhoods within the community.

Objective #2-Develop a platform to communicate, inform, and promote neighborhood and community events.

Objective #3-Create a clearinghouse of individuals, groups, and organizations to assist individuals in need of a helping hand.

Trustee Roberts presented Chapter 1, “Environmental Scan” in draft format. He removed items he didn’t see relevant within the last 4 years. Roberts added items that have been completed in the past 4 years and included demographics that are relevant like Village. More information regarding the Land Use Plan was added and how it is related to the levy. Items discussed were how to educate the community, facilities, capital improvements, and the lake management plan. Discussion continued regarding the draft document and its details. Gergen suggested including the housing demographics included and the statistics highlight to show that they make an impact.

The next steps are to create section 2, which is community feedback, and create the questionnaire. This process will include inviting residents, businesses, and organizations in to give their viewpoints and get an idea of what others see as issues/problems. This will help reign in on what questions to ask during our survey. The timeline for this process is to send out the survey in the 3rd quarter of 2023 and conclude the strategic plan by the end of the year.

The meeting adjourned the Strategic Planning Workshop at approximately 7:39 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Casandra Smith Village Clerk

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