June 1, 2022

6/7/2022 Public Works and Safety Meeting

Ordinance Regarding No Parking on the South Side of Oakton, Water System Master Plan, 2022 Sanitary Survey Report, Stripping of Crosswalks on Main St, Exploration of Adding Raised Pedestrian Crossings, Grass Cutting along Capitol Drive under Hwy 16, Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program

June 7, 2022

Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm by J. Grabowski inviting participation in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present: Ed Hill, Mark Grabowski, Laurin Miller, Jim Grabowski, Chuck Nichols, Nick Wellenstein.

Members absent:
Also Present: Administrator Scott Gosse

Motion made by J. Grabowski, seconded Miller, to appoint Trustee Ed Hill as Committee Chair. Motion passed unanimously

Agenda Item 2 – Minutes of December 7, 2021 meeting

M. Grabowski moved, second Wunsch to approve Minutes of the December 7, 2021 Public Works and Safety Committee as presented. Motion passed 4-0, Nichols, Wellenstein, J. Grabowski abstained.

Agenda Item 3 – Citizen Comments

Cheryl Mantz, 315 Cardinal Ridge, discussed road signage and condition of prospect Avenue from Lake Street to School Street needs improvements, especially pedestrian signs. Ms Mantz indicated she met with the Police Chief to discuss children crossing Prospect, and asked for more signs and pavement marking.

Agenda Item 4 – Old Business

a. Discussion and Action Regarding Previous Recommendation - Ordinance 2021-09 – Amending Chapter 86, Article III, Division 3, Section 86.114 of the Village of Pewaukee Code of Ordinances Regarding No Parking Designation, on the South Side of Oakton Avenue From, and East, of the Pewaukee River

Director Naze stated this is returning for additional discussion and a proposed solution. Discussion followed regarding a best option for restricting parking on the south side of the street at 200 Oakton. Motion J. Grabowski, second M. Grabowski, recommending to the Village Board to repeal and recreate ordinance 2021-09, to restrict no parking from the Pewaukee River east bridge deck to the first driveway to the east. DPW direction is to install signage and paint curb. Motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item 5 - New Business

a. Water System Master Plan - Presentation of Draft Report, with Possible Forwarding Recommendation to the Village Board.

Don Heikkila from Ruekert Mielke was introduced to present the findings of the Water System Master Plan. Following discussion, Motion M. Grabowski, second Wunsch, to forward the report to the Village Board, where a similar presentation will be made. Motion passed unanimously.

Presentation slides attached as part of these minutes.

b. 2022 Sanitary Survey Report, Wisconsin DNR

Director Naze briefly described the triannual sanitary survey process, contents of the report, past recommendations and the recommendation for 2022, which was to ensure staffing is adequate. Informational only, no action taken.

c. Striping of crosswalks on main street along the lakefront.

Item brought forward by J. Grabowski. Discussion followed with direction given and acknowledged to staff to paint enhanced crosswalk markings for 2022. No motion.

d. Exploration of costs to add raised pedestrian crossings at the three lakefront crossings. Possible action to approve DPW to receive proposals.

Item tabled for future discussion

e. Cutting grass along Capitol Dr under Highway 16 between the on/off ramps. Possible action to notify Waukesha County that Village will maintain.

Item brought forward by J. Grabowski, discussion followed on jurisdiction and County responsibilities. DPW is now flail mowing the area at the frequency of other mowing, three to four times a year. It was requested to perform additional flail mowing when time permits.

f. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program

Time constraints resulted in only brief discussion of this program, regarding where need may be and engaging a consultant to prepare an application. No action.

Agenda Item 6 – Adjournment

Motion J. Grabowski, second Wunsch to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Naze, P.E.
Director of Public Works/Village Engineer


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