April 2, 2021

4/7/2021 Public Works and Safety Meeting

1355 Capitol Drive Utility Reduction, Lake Street Parking, Snow and Ice Removal, Kueny Arch. Space Needs Assessment, Healthy Lakes Project

APRIL 7, 2021

1. Call to Order

The Zoom meeting was called to order by Chairman Yonke at approximately 5:32 p.m.
Members present:  Ed Hill, Laurin Miller, Art Compton, Kevin Yonke, and Wayne Vaughn 
Members not present:  Casey Smith and Mark Grabowski
Also present:  Director of Public Works Dan Naze, Clerk Cassie Smith, Police Chief Tim Heier and Lieutenant Mark Garry 

2. Approval of Minutes of March 2, 2021 meeting

Vaughn motioned, seconded Hill to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2021, Public Works and Safety Committee as presented.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

3. Citizen Comments -

Jim Grabowski, 128 Park Avenue asked that there be no parking at 200 Oakton Avenue at the bend; For aesthetic reasons the Village should manicure and maintain the Highway 16 State DOT right of way area on Capitol Drive; the 2 or 3 dips in the asphalt in the intersection of Main, Oakton, and Park Ave. be repaired or repaved.

4. Old Business

a. Discussion and Action on Request for Utility Bill Reduction, 1355 Capitol Dr. 
Director of Public Works Dan Naze stated that the customer provided a letter indicating they would like to be removed from this agenda, and requested a letter from the meter vendor certifying the meter, register and transmitter functioned as a unit. Naze indicated that the customer was informed several times that the meter body was scrapped many months ago. A letter for the remaining components was provided the previous week. Member Compton indicated he would like this item resolved at this meeting and would propose a solution. Discussion followed.
Motion by Compton, seconded by Vaughn to split a difference of $9,079.08 to an average, and credit $4,359.54 to the customer. Motioned carried 4-1 by roll call vote, with Miller voting nay.

5. New Business

a. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Lake Street Parking

Director Naze explained this was on the agenda at the request of Trustee Gergen, and that further discussion without the participation of the School District was unfair to the Village. Chief Heier explained that speed feedback studies have shown that speeding isn’t an issue, that two-sided parking would likely calm traffic, and that the Police Department recently created and distributed a flyer to educate the public. Parking citations have been few. Trustee Hill suggested two-hour parking. Director Naze suggested parking by permit only, and that there was a budget for 2020 for a traffic study however without normal operations at the school that study was not conducted. There was further discussion about the utilization of Pirate Pass and the student parking lots.
Motion by Hill and seconded by Miller to table the item for future discussion with some initial participation and study discussion with the School District by the Village Administrator.

Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

b. Discussion and Recommendation to the Village Board Regarding Requested Amendment to Section 78.118 of the Municipal Code Regarding Snow and Ice Removal.

Director Naze explained the history of the topic and the deferral of discussion by the Village Board to Committee. Following discussion of general plowing operations, snow placement in cul de sacs, and options for amending or creating relevant ordinance.
Vaughn motioned, seconded by Hill to make a recommendation to the Village Board to retain existing Village ordinance 78.118 but strike from (e), …” except hand shoveling within two feet of the curb.”
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

c. Review and Discussion on Kueny Architects Space Needs Assessment and Master Plan

Trustee Hill informed the Committee about the history and status of a proposed public works facility and space planning analysis conducted by Keuny Architects. No action was required.

d. Discussion and Action Regarding Plant Selection for Healthy Lakes Project

Director Naze explained that he had worked with native plant supplier Agrecol to provide native plants for the Highland Avenue Healthy Lakes project. They provided a recommended plant list for the two 350 square foot planting areas. Since we don’t have any Staff expertise in these types of plant purchases, Naze asked the Committee to review the list and amend or approve for purchase.
Motion by Miller, seconded by Compton to approve the plants as recommended.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

6. Adjournment

Miller motioned, second Compton to adjourn the meeting at approximately 6:34 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Daniel Naze
Director of Public Works/Village Engineer
Village of Pewaukee

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