November 4, 2022

11/10/2022 Plan Commission Meeting

Public Hearing on 472 Lake St, Conditional Use Grant on 472 Lake St, possible action on a Business Site Plan Amendment request at 1291 Hickory Street, possible action on a Sign Code Waiver Amendment request for Meadow Creek Limited Partnership, possible action on establishing density limits for residential components in certain districts, and possible recommendation regarding Code of Ordinances amendments for Transient Lodging.

November 10, 2022 – 7:00 pm
Village Hall

235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072 

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 7:02 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Mark Grabowski, Comm. Theresa Hoff, Comm. Ryan Lange, Comm. Brian Belt, Trustee Craig Roberts, and President Jeff Knutson. Comm. Cheryl Mantz was excused.

Also present: Village Planner, Mary Censky; Village Engineer, Tim Barbeau; Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; and Village Clerk Casandra Smith.

2. Public Hearing

a. On the Conditional Use Grant Amendment request of property owner Pewaukee School District (in c/o John Gahan as Assistant Superintendent/CFO) to reconstruct and light the existing varsity softball diamond located on the 80+/- acre District  campus at 472 Lake Street. This property is zoned Institutional & Public Service District (IPS) District.

3. Citizen Comments
Doug Joers @ 513 Park Ave – Mr. Joers spoke against allowing transient lodging rentals and would like permits to be required.
Kelli Belt @ 377 Park Ave – Ms. Belt spoke in favor of being as restrictive as allowable by law regarding transient lodging rentals.
John Nurse @ 387 Park Ave – Mr. Nurse asked the Commission to make the transient lodging rental ordinance as restrictive as possible.
Mike Schieble @ 481 Park Ave – Mr. Schieble read the Village’s mission statement and asked the Commission to execute the mission  statement regarding transient lodging concerns.
Kyle Kreuser @429 Pirate Pass – Mr. Kreuser asked the Commission to consider no nightly minimum on the transient lodging ordinance.
Kristy Kreuser @ 429 Pirate Pass – Ms. Kreuser asked the Commission to not place nightly restrictions on transient lodging rentals and gave some background information on her transient lodging rental business.
Colin Wagner @ 461 Park Ave – Mr. Wagner expressed he is not in favor of transient lodging rentals.
Andy Lize @ 509 Park Ave – Mr. Lize expressed he was not in favor of transient lodging rentals.
Amanda Tollefsen @ 491 Park Ave – Ms. Tollefsen spoke in favor of being as restrictive as allowed by law regarding transient lodging rentals.

4. Approval of the Minutes – Regular Plan Commission Meeting – October 13, 2022 Comm. Hoff motioned, seconded by Comm. Belt to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting as presented.
Motion carried 6-0.

Items below were not presented in order as below.

5. Old Business – None.

6. New Business

a. Review, discussion, and possible action on the Conditional Use Grant Amendment request of the Pewaukee School District to reconstruct and light the existing varsity softball diamond located on the 80+/- acre District campus at 472 Lake Street. This property is zoned Institutional & Public Service District (IPS) District. PWV0899235001
Planner Censky explained that the Pewaukee School District would like to reconstruct its existing field. The current code doesn’t allow for lighting over 25 feet in height and they are proposing lighting as high as 70 feet. The light spillover is not beyond the field and will not affect any residential properties. Censky read the Planner recommendations. Engineer Barbeau explained that the water main will be relocated out of the turf area so that in the event of a repair it can be accessed without disturbing the turf. The stormwater management plan was discussed which is sufficient as presented. Discussion followed.

Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to Conceptionally Approve the Conditional Use Grant Amendment request of the Pewaukee School District to reconstruct and light the existing varsity softball diamond located on the 80+/- acre District campus at 472 Lake Street subject to the Village Planner and Engineer Recommendations:
1) Village Engineer review and approval of all grading, drainage, utility, stormwater management and erosion control plans attendant to this project and prior to the issuance of a building/construction permit;
2) Any substantiated adverse impacts arising from the operation of these field lights shall be the responsibility of the property owner to correct timely upon written notice from the Village. Failure on the part of the property owner to make necessary corrections may result in Village action to review, reconsider or terminate this Conditional Use Grant Amendment.
3) Applicant to secure all necessary building, electrical, plumbing,… and any other required
permits, prior to the start of construction at the site;
4) Recording of the Conditional Use Grant Amendment and related Land Covenant, prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project.
Motion carried 6-0.

b. Review, discussion and possible action on the Business Site Plan Amendment request of property owner/applicant Zimmerman & Schwartz Real Estate, LLC, in c/o John Schwartz and Jeff Zimmerman, to relocate the existing, eastern Hickory Street driveway access point on this site further to the east and to abandon/restore the former location. This 3.27+/- acre site is zoned B-5 Light Industrial District.
Planner Censky explained that the applicant would like to close the existing driveway and relocate it to the east end of the property. This would create additional green space for the property. Engineer Barbeau stated that this is a good spot to create the driveway and there will be no drainage issues.

Comm. Hoff motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to Approve the Business Site Plan Amendment to Relocate the Existing, Eastern Hickory Street Driveway Access Point on this Site Further to the East and to Abandon/Restore the Former Location with Planner Recommendations:
1) Village Engineer and Director of Public Works approval of the detailed plans for implementation of the new driveway and abandonment/restoration of the old;
2) Applicant to secure, in advance of any work at the site, any permits as may be necessary in support of this project.
Motion carried 6-0.

c. Review, discussion and possible action on the Sign Code Waiver Amendment request of applicant/property owner Meadow Creek Limited Partnership to allow three specific, additional geographic locations within the Meadow Creek Market development to participate in sign display on the two existing/approved multi-tenant pylon signs located, one each, along Hwy 164/Pewaukee Road and Capitol Drive. This B-1 Community Business with Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD) zoned development area is located at the northwest corner of Hwy 164/Pewaukee Road and Capitol Drive.
Planner Censky gave background information regarding the sign code waiver approval in 2014. The applicant would like to expand the use of the monument sign to include 3 additional businesses. Discussion followed.

Comm. Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to Approve the Sign Code Waiver Amendment request for Meadow Creek Limited Partnership to Allow All Businesses within the Meadow Creek Market Development to Participate in Sign Display on the Two Existing/Approved Multi-Tenant Signs and Allow Tenants to Utilize over 40 sq.Ft. with Staff Approval and Planner Recommendations:
1) The space on this sign shall not be used to display “space for lease”, or contact
information for leasing in the center,… rather the space of this sign shall be limited in it’s scope of use to identify only existing and operational business occupants of the 27,000 sq.ft. +/- shopping center that lies attached to and north of the existing Pick n Save at
1405 Capitol Drive, plus businesses or uses located in the three geographic areas identified in
Exhibit “C”
attached hereto, and the name of the shopping center development (i.e. Meadow Creek Market) and the building address(s);
2) No single tenant or occupant business shall be permitted to utilize more than 40 sq.ft. of display area on each face of the signs unless specifically approved otherwise by the Village Staff and/or Planning Commission in the review of the unique challenges/circumstances as may be applicable to the particular site or building;
3) If any of the changeable “Tenant” panels as depicted on the plan are not in use for business identification, then that panel(s) shall be maintained as a blank in a bronze colored lexan to match the cabinet and related aluminum trim materials of the sign. Motion Carried 6-0.

d. Review and discussion regarding possibly establishing density limits for the residential component of mixed-use with multi-family development or straight multi-family development in the Villages Business Zoning Districts (i.e. B-1 Community Business, B- 2 Downtown Business, B-3 Office & Service Business, B-4 Business Park, and B-5 Light Industrial), and to evaluate the existing density limits of the Villages R-M Multi-Family Residential District.
Trustee Roberts stated that in working through the Strategic Plan, one item was to look at removing potential barriers that may be limiting developers due to density limitations. The Village does prefer single family but some areas may not be practical for single-family housing which may limit the ability to develop the site. Discussion followed regarding what visions the Plan Commission has for the Village and what changes might be advisable to consider at this time. Planner Censky referred to some information she gathered from the City of Oconomowoc Planner and Code with respect to its downtown. She explained how they addressed the density issue with parameters such as to maximum building height, minimum required parking,… and stated this may be useful and give guidance to the Village of Pewaukee in reviewing its regulations. The direction was given to the Planner which was to work with Trustee Roberts and return to the Commission with some specific ideas/Code amendment drafts on how to address this topic in each of the applicable Village business districts, and also to evaluate the appropriateness of the Villages density limits in the plex and multi-family districts at this time.

e. Review, discussion, and possible recommendation to Village Board regarding an amendment(s) to Section 40.471 of the Village of Pewaukee Code of Ordinances regarding Transient Lodging.
Administrator Gosse presented an overview of the proposed Ordinance regarding Transient Lodging. He stated that the proposed Ordinance has been drafted to be as restrictive as allowable by State law. Attorney Gralinski explained that the Commission should determine the following items: 1) Minimum night stay, 2) Number of days a property is available for rent in a year and should those days run consecutively, and 3) Should a local license be a requirement? Trustee Roberts explained that there was not really a consensus at the Village Board level.
Discussion followed regarding the minimum night stay, the number of days a property can be available for rent, and if a permit/license should be required.

Comm. Belt Motioned to Recommend the Draft Ordinance to the Village Board as presented.
Discussion followed regarding the license requirements. No second was presented. Motion Failed.
Trustee Roberts motioned, Seconded by Comm. Belt to Table the Transient Lodging Amendment until more information on a Draft License Application can be Presented.
Motion Carried 6-0.

7. Citizen Comments – None.

8. Adjournment
Comm. Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Belt to adjourn the November 11, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 9:34 p.m.
Motion carried 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Casandra Smith
Village Clerk

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