October 7, 2022

10/13/2022 Plan Commission Meeting

Public hearing on 462 Hickory St and Conditional Use Grant on 462 Hickory St

October 13, 2022 – 7:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 7:02 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Mark Grabowski, Comm. Theresa Hoff, Comm. Cheryl Mantz, Comm. Ryan Lange, Comm. Brian Belt, Trustee Craig Roberts and President Jeff Knutson.

Also present: Village Planner, Mary Censky; Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; and Village Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Jenna Peter.

2. Public Hearing

a. On the Conditional Use Grant request of Wally Haines, d/b/a Wally’s Landscaping & Maintenance, to locate his landscaping contractor’s business office and yard as a tenant occupancy in a portion of the building and site located at 462 Hickory Street. This 4.8 +/- acre, B-5 Light Industrial District zoned property is owned by Babi LB Venture LLC in c/o Matthew Quest.

Mary & Jeff Bublitz - 423 Hickory St. Both expressed their concerns about the hours of operation and the increased traffic in the area. Although they are not opposed to the Conditional Use Grant, they were surprised that there wasn’t already permission given to Wally’s Landscaping to operate since they already had been.

3. Citizen Comments – None.

4. Approval of the Minutes – Regular Plan Commission Meeting – September 8, 2022
Trustee Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting as presented. Motion carried 6-0, Comm. Belt abstained.

5. Old Business – None.

6. New Business

a. Review, discussion and possible action on the Conditional Use Grant request of Wally Haines, d/b/a Wally’s Landscaping & Maintenance, to locate his landscaping contractor’s business office and yard as a tenant occupancy in a portion of the building and site located at 462 Hickory Street. This 4.8 +/- acre, B-5 Light Industrial District zoned property is owned by Babi LB Venture LLC in c/o Matthew Quest.
Planner Censky discussed the allowed Conditional Uses in the Village’s B-5 Light Industrial Zoning District. Censky explained further that the permitted principal use ‘business offices’ building(s) on the property must be valued at 50% or more of the total (land + improvements) assessed value of the property. The current total assessed value of the property is $424,100. The value of the improvements is $179,100 which is 42% of the total, so they do not currently meet that criterion.

The Commission members discussed their concerns with proper storage of the salt and the hours of operation during the winter months with snow removal. Wally’s Landscape Business Plan of Operation currently states the hours of operation will be from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The village stipulates that working hours may not begin before 7 a.m. and would like to see those hours changed to reflect that. Applicant Wally Haines offered to try and load the skid loader with salt the day before the forecast of snow whenever possible to help alleviate noise in the morning hours.

Village Planner Recommendations:
1) If this use is to go forward as proposed, the Planning Commission should specifically determine to waive the requirement 40.316(16) as to minimum value of the improvements on the property and recite the for the minutes.
2) Applicant to specifically list, for Village Staff review and approval, the detailed material types and all vehicles/equipment proposed to be parked/stored outdoors on the site, and show where/how each will be located.
3) Days/hours of business operation to be limited to Monday through Saturday, 7 am. to 6 pm. During snow plowing season, the applicant may run the plow trucks in/out of the site 7 days a week/24 hours a day.
4) The applicants allocated space on this site shall include only that area highlighted in blue on the attached site plan.
5) The applicants allocated building space shall include only the southernmost two overhead doors entering on the west side of the building and those garage bays extended straight through to the east wall of the building.
6) At this time, this use shall not include any retail sales or direct customer pick-up of materials, equipment or supplies at/from this location.
7) Any dumpster(s) needed to service this use shall be located within the fenced/screened area of the site and kept out of the surrounding view at all times.
8) No new rooftop or exterior ground placed HVAC and no new exterior lighting or landscaping are considered or approved as a part of this request.
9) Any future signage for this use shall be subject to the Village Sign Code. No signage shall be placed at this site/building without prior review, approval and permit issuance.
10) Provision in the CUG document that “Any substantiated, material, adverse impacts arising with respect to such things as, (but not necessarily limited to) noise, odor, smoke, light, vibration, litter, tracking, unsightly, unenclosed parking or storage, loitering, glare, health, public safety, and similar… arising as result of this use/operation shall be the responsibility of the property owner and/or business operator to correct timely upon notice from the Village and failure to correct any such problem in a timely manner may result in action to initiate partial or complete revocation or modification of this grant to the extent permitted in accordance with Section 40.154(e) of the Land Development Code.”
11) Recording of the Conditional Use Grant and related Land Covenant prior to the start of any business operations at this site by the applicant.

Trustee Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to approve the operation as presented by the Village Planner and added conditions at the staff level to make sure there is a containment of salt and other materials on the site and that the flow of traffic needs to move towards Forest Grove and Wally’s Landscaping staff will make efforts to control any nighttime noise, and that the Plan Commission waive the 50% valuation condition. Motion carried 7-0.

7. Citizen Comments – None.

8. Adjournment
Comm. Hoff motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to adjourn the October 13, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 7:43 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenna Peter
Deputy Village Clerk/Treasurer


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